"MaTHa PiTha GuRu DaiVaM"

Matha Pitha Guru Deivam” is a very popular adage or phrase in Sanskrit language and often quoted in Hinduism. Transalated word for word, it is, “Mother Father Teacher God”. The meaning of this adage is the greatest truth, and is the order in which one should offer reverence. The phrase is a basic tenet in existence from the time of the Vedas and beyond and represents the hierarchy in which one should respect these entities.
First comes the mother (Matha or Mata) who gives birth to the child, thereby bringing us as a child into this world. Next comes the father (Pitha or Pita), because it is the mother who knows the truth about the father and she points us to the father. The mother and father then takes us to the teacher (Guru), and it is the guru, through his or her teachings, points us to God (Deivam or Devam). Here God represent the consciousness  or self-awareness or our real self.
As per Hindu mythology: Once upon a time, Lord Shiva and his wife godess Parvati received the gift of a ripe mango. Their children Ganesha and Karthikeya, both wanted the full fruit. The parents were in a dilemma and decided to give them a test: the winner would get the fruit.  They announced, “Whoever goes round the world and reaches back first will be the winner.” Karthikeya immediately set off to encircle the world on his vehicle - the peacock. Ganesha, with his vehicle Mooshika (mouse) prostrated himself in front of his parents, went around them once and claimed the prize. To the question of how, Ganesha said, “Our parents are the whole world to us. So by going around them once, and said, “I have gone around the world.”

posted by "shan shibin"